Cab Driver Gets Covered

On a recent cab ride, my cab driver was on his cell talking about getting health insurance coverage. He shared his story over the course of several weeks.

  • Why wasn’t he covered? Like many cab drivers, he’s an independent contractor. His “employer” doesn’t provide its workers with coverage.
  • Why now? He’s a private man. Like many of us, he may have health issues that require medical attention, or he may want the financial security of being covered.
  • Where did he shop? He started with an online brokerage firm, but it seemed sketchy. We discussed HealthCare.Gov as the official site of information that is both objective and free.
  • Who helped him? First, he found a list of local assisters on the HealthCare.Gov site. Then, he made an appointment at a local clinic with an assister who guided him through the process.
  • What options did he have? Unlike individuals with employer coverage, the cab driver had many options. They included a PPO with a national carrier and high-deductible plan with a Blues plan.
  • What did he choose? He chose a plan with a local carrier. Its network included the best hospital system and physician network in the area.
  • How much is he spending? He qualified for a subsidy, and his premium is less than $100 per month. He made his first payment on November 1.
  • How was the process? It was cumbersome, and he was glad he had help. He had to submit tax information and residency status with his application, which took time to process.
  • What else? He knows that he needs to re-enroll in coverage for the 2020 plan year. He’ll go back to the assister for help to do so because “She’s a good lady.”

Yes, she is. And while he’s happy to be covered, the cab driver hopes to have a job someday that offers employer-based coverage. In other words, he’s Mastering Health Insurance.